Logan High School Administration

Wally Gnewikow, Principal

Tony DePaolo, Associate Principal

Beth Forde, Dean of Students

Tony Servais, Activities Director

Keith Harter, Building Engineer

Logan Show Choir Parents Organization

Chris Shilling, President

Mel “Twitch” Engen, Vice President

Jolene Schindler, Treasurer

Lacey Warren, Treasurer

Jen Hagen, Secretary

Special Thank Yous

Sarah Kennedy, Treasurer (Retired)

Kim Young, First Aid Volunteer

Kristal Hemmersbach, Parent Liaison

Lee Hemmersbach, Parent Liaison

Mike Warren, Equipment Trailer Driver

Our Directors

Adam Carty, Show Choir Director

Ashley Nordby, Show Band Director

Showcase Committee Chairs

Sound & Stage, Jen Hagen

Backstage, Pete Kennedy

North Door Check-In, Andrew Johnson

Event Doors, Sara Eggen

Admissions, Mel "Twitch" Engen

Kitchen, Jennifer Shilling

Decorations, Michelle Leisso

Merchandise, Jolene Schindler

Dessert Table, Beth Swertfeger

Security, Ben Engen

North Lot Parking, Joe Schindler

Judge's Meal, Carla Stanton

Program Design, Chris Shilling

Raffle Baskets, Julie & Phil Addis

Video/Scoring, Orion Lee & Macy Carty

We also want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers and support staff who played a vital role in making this event possible. Your dedication, going above and beyond the regular school day, including giving up classrooms and preparing for the event, does not go unnoticed. Thank you for your extraordinary efforts in making it a truly great day to be a Ranger!